Physician Resources

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IMI Clinics offers you the benefits that allows referring physicians instant access to patient exams and reports.
You have the ability to access and receive notification of urgent patient results on your iPhone, iPad or Android through the Physician portal.
Our software also has the ability to interface with some EMR systems so your patient reports will drop into your EMR.
For more information please contact Sam Halabi at
As soon as a medical report is completed your office has immediate access to your patient reports.
No more waiting for mail or fax.
Easy to re-order requisition pads and requisitions are also available online.
You always have on-line access to your patients' history.
PHIPA Features
Physician’s portal can be timed out after a pre-determined amount of inactivity.
Referring physicians are authorized to log-in and are responsible for password protection.
Report content may NOT be altered.
Improving Customer Service
Ongoing investment in new diagnostic imaging equipment and a multi-modality approach to investigation & diagnosis.
Quicker turn-around time for patient reports, new RIS, PACS, internal workflows.
Shorter wait times for patient exams.